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Aliveness Retreat (EN/DE) (Kopie)

It is about re-wilding the soul, re-leasing stuck emotions and re-balancing the body

mit Mona Hassan & Patrick Guerin
Seminarraum Dom

Seminarraum Dom

This retreat is for anyone who is longing for a combination of deep, transformative energy work, connectedness to nature, reconnection to self, healthy nutrition and enough me-time. It is about re-wilding the soul, re-leasing stuck emotions and re-balancing the body. It is for people who are thirsty for experiences that make them feel FULLY & TRULY ALIVE.

Every day is different. A sample agenda could look like this:

08:00-08:30 Morning Energy Practice or Meditation

08:30-10:00 Kundalini Awakening Session

10:00-10:30 Reflection

11:00-13:30 Brunch/YOU Time

13:30-14:30 Energetic Constellations

14:30-16:00 Group Coaching Exercises

16:00-16:30 Afternoon Break

16:30-18:00 Evening Experience Session

18:30-20:00 Dinner/YOU Time

20:00-21:00 Optional Evening Meditation

  • Beitrag: 2200 EUR incl. VAT (Early Bird bis 6. Oktober: 1900 EUR)

  • Anmeldung: Erstgespräch mit KursleiterIn notwendig.

    Aufnahme am besten telefonisch (Whatsapp)

    Telefon: Telefonnummer des/r Leiters/in +34 678 29 44 21

  • Yoga mat, comfortable clothes, notebook but most importantly: an open mind to experience something new.

  • Mona Hassan
    Instagram: @monahassan.co

    Patrick Guerin
    Instagram: @11.11.gp

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